Monday, February 20, 2012

our little helper

Ry LOVES to help...she wants to help us do everything. Which is awesome, and also a lot of work. But I'm taking advantage of her excited spirit to help out with the dull chores around the house!

One of the chorse we do together daily is feeding the dogs. Our dog food is in a big container on top of the dryer so one of us will fill the cup for her and she'll carry it over to each of the three dog bowls and dump their food in one at a time.

She is almost always a pretty good shot, and will get all of the food into each bowl...sometimes she's not. On those instinces her tedious, meticulous (mama?) side comes out. She will spend all of her time squatting to pick up each and individual nugget of dog food. Despite my pleeas and efforts of telling her that the dogs will eat it, even if it's not in their bowl. She insists. So the activity for the morning becomes pick up dog food! Good fine motor skill practice right?!

love our sweet little helper.

until next time,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my valentines

Yesterday was great! There were Valentines waiting on the table in the morning for both girls in the family. Jeremy is always crazy creative about expressing his love when the 14th rolls around.  This year he had the table covered in tiny pieces of paper all with reasons why he loves me on each. It was so sweet. Then throughout the day I was surprised to get dozens of text messages from friends all over the place complimenting me. What an encouraging gift! I loved it!

We had gotten Ry a few Valentines too...

A super cute little apron, because she is such a little helper chef, some flip flops because the girl loves shoes, and a tool box toy set because she loves to help put anything and everything together! (also some chocolate...but she never even opened the box, so I just set it 'asside')

Rylee thought that making our own 'play dough' was the coolest thing ever.  She really enjoyed getting to help use mama's new toy too!

 Making noodles was the best thing ever...until we melted the chocolate. Rylee's new job became cleaning out the chocolate bowl. She was the perfect one for the job!

 The completed chocolate covered strawberries.

The ready to cook homemade ravioli.

 And our very special family prepared Valentines meal.

Valentines day was great. It was so much fun playing in the kitchen with Rylee all day, and creating some great memories while at the same time creating some great food. I am so thankful for my family, and for all of the friends in our life. We have been so blessed with the relationships we have been able to make throughout all of our different ventures. Yesterday was a wonderful reminder of the value I place in each and everyone of those relationships.

It was indeed a happy Valentines Day.

until next time,

Thursday, February 9, 2012


On Sunday we hosted our 2nd Annual Sigle Superbowl Party. It was a hit. Jeremy made his Silly Sigle Superbowl Quiz, and I made a lot of food.

It was so fun having so many good friends over to talk with and watch the big game (to be honest though, I watched very very little of the game) oh, and also ate way too much.

Rylee and her sweet friend Aubrey enjoyed playing together throughout the night and those that didn't care to watch the game had two sweet baby girls to watch instead (way better right?)

Drew was the winner of the Superbowl Quiz and therefor won the prized Foil Cup .... its a big deal.

We are looking forward to next year! Predictions are calling for Broncos vs. Cowboys... but we all know how that game would end...

until next time,


Jer's birthday was last Saturday! We had fun celebrating his big step into '27'...

We started his day off by having some sweet homemade decorations displayed for him to see right when he woke up!

Rylee and I spent a couple days before crafting away at her gifts for him.

I love her little thumb print card!

I am pretty sure Rylee thought the singing, cake, ice cream, and even the gifts were all for her. I will have some posts in the future about one (really two) of Jeremy's special gifts that he got (or if you ask Rylee, that she got) for his birthday!

So thankful God has given him another birthday! It was a good one.

until next time,