Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Rylee has been in school for nearly a week now. I still cannot believe it! I blinked and summer was gone, it feels more like I blinked and she wasn't a baby anymore. Time please sloow down!!!!!

She has been so very excited about starting school! And we have been so very excited for her. Our summer has been full of supply shopping, uniform try ons and nightly "I am just so excited for school, I wish I could start tomorrow!"

She has been having so much fun each day at school. I think yesterday was the highlight - during chapel (they have chapel! I love it!) the teachers look for a student who was quiet and well behaved, and that student gets to take home Silent Sammy - he's a sweet little stuffed bear - and the most coveted lovey in all lower elementary! I was driving home from cross country practice and I called home, Rylee was dying to get on the phone to tell me that she was picked to bring home Silent Sammy! She got some big high fives and we had a fun evening entertaining the cute little bear.

Jackson and Layton are falling into place hanging out at home without big sister to play with. They look forward to having her home each day - we all do!

School has been one of those big milestones that I have both dreaded and been excited about all at the same time. I miss her so much each day, but I love seeing how much she loves it, and I am happy to know she is in a great place each day that is teaching her, but more importantly to me, they are loving her and in that showing her even more who Christ is. 

We are looking forward to a great year! 

until next time,

ps - those uniforms?! I can't even stand how cute she is!