Monday, October 7, 2013


Rylee and Jackson have the sweetest (most of the time) relationship. It makes my heart glad to see how much the two of them care about each other, and really just like each other. They are always playing together and very concerned with what the other is doing.

Most of the time Jackson's first words when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap are "Ry Ry" and if Rylee hears Jackson waking up before anyone else she sprints into his room to be the first to greet him.

I am so thankful for these two.

until next time,

Friday, October 4, 2013

new record

I can humbly announce that I have outdone myself this year, set a new record for the least posting in a year. Woop!

You aren't getting a detailed apology from me this time, I will keep it simple: instead of posting about our life, we've just been living it. (hello corny) but its true. Life is full and fast and messy. We've been busy keeping up with two and cleaning up after all of our fun.

It does make me a bit bitter to see how I've neglected to update you on all the awesomeness that our family gets to enjoy in Rylee and Jackson, so here is a long over due update on where we are at and a condensed version of some of our spring and summer highlights!

In April Jeremy completed his first marathon! Beyond proud of him! Jeremy and Cary were able to finish together, it was really exciting!

We had another awesome VBS in May. The week ended with every kid getting to throw a whip cream pie in our face and a meal for the community. It was a blast!

We spent a lot of time working in our yard, Ry and Jackson helped too. 

Jackson turned 1! 

Rylee turned 3!

 Jeremy and I were able to take a quick trip to the mountains to go backpacking for a few nights. It was an awesome trip and a great way to refuel our marriage and our spirit.

Plenty of cuteness and meltdowns...

For our anniversary we went to a Rangers game, they won, and I ate my weight in garlic fries so I won too.

So there you have it! That's all you get for now. Thanks for sticking around!

until next time,