Wednesday, February 3, 2010

5th grade = good reads

Student teaching this week has been splendid! I am falling in love with 5th grade. I have several teaching responsibilities for my first week and one of those is starting a new book for read-a-loud's with the students.

The book that has been sugested and I will start is called Schooled - Only a few chapters into pre-reading it now, but I don't want to stop! I am anxious to see what the 5th graders perspective of this book will be too

The story is about a boy named Cap who has lived with his grandmother, Rain, on a hippie commune for his whole life. When Rain breaks her hip from falling out of a tree picking plums, Cap is sent to live with a guidance counselor and introduced to the modern world from the view of middle school.

This fun comedic book gives the harsh reality of middle school a fresh perspective. Take a trip back to your reading roots and find a good young adult novel, this one I would highly suggest.

Until next time,

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